Star wars revisited fanedit
Star wars revisited fanedit

star wars revisited fanedit star wars revisited fanedit

Create a hybrid Sy Snootles between the CGI and the puppet version.Replace both versions of the music with something more like Arabic dancing with new dancers.Cut down on Salacious Crumb’s laughter.Correct Luke’s hologram so his lightsaber doesn’t switch sides.Remove 3PO’s line of “Look, it’s Captain Solo and he’s still frozen in Carbonite!”.Remove Greedo’s dialog from the background noise in Jabba’s Palace.Make Bib Fortuna’s tentacles move occasionally.“Cantina”-ize other aliens in the Palace.“Cantina”-ize Jabba’s speech and expressions.Add Mara Jade (from the EU) to Jabba’s Palace.Remove the light reflecting through R2’s “eye” socket.Remove line pulling R2 away from the guard.Change the main entrance to keep more mystery about the Palace.Alter the door droid to be more menacing.Move Yoda’s death to before Tatooine and have Luke talk to Obi-wan in his hut.Make the floor glossy as Vader is leaving to reflect the gloss in the establishing shot.Make the control room for Vader’s docking bay match the control room from ANH.Replace the centered shot of Vader’s shuttle landing with the shot from ESB:SE.Fix the stripes on the sides of Vader’s shuttle approaching to match the landed shuttle matte.Make more dynamic shots to show the vastness of the DS2.Replace the shot of the Star Destroyer going overhead with a shot of the Executor being dwarfed by the Death Star II (like the Executor reveal in ESB).Replace the shot of the Star Destroyer going overhead with a shot of the shuttle coming from the Executor.Add evidence of construction vehicles working on the Death Star, maybe even as just hints of movement around the incomplete side.Change the opening crawl to something more dramatic than “Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba The Hutt” (Bingowings).Try to weave the droids motif from the ESB score into the score for ROTJ, the other characters get themes but this little motif for the droids only got one airing.Try to reframe several of the centered/clumped shots present in the movie.Thin the “fat” lightsaber blades / bad saber effects.Consider moving the action to Coruscant and one of its moons (probably impossible).


Try to fix some of the “ movie mistakes” commonly found.Consider the more radical re-edits to the entire movie ( RotJ: Fan-O-Matic).Color correction throughout / enhance details currently in darkness.Strikethrough: Adywan has denied ever doing this for Revisited. Italics: Adywan has confirmed considering this for Revisited.

Star wars revisited fanedit